• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Close Illegal Coal Stockpile in Bandar Lampung and South Lampung Indonesia

Rabu, 22 Februari 2023 - 08.56 WIB

Coal stockpile owned by PT Sinar Langgeng Logistics in Katibung District, South Lampung. Photo: Doc/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Regional House of Representatives asked the Regional Government to take firm action against illegal coal stockpiles that are rife in operation in the Bandar Lampung and South Lampung areas. The decisive action given could be in the form of closing illegal coal stockpiles, and imposing fines on the owners.

Chairman of the Bandar Lampung Regional People's Legislative Council, Wiyadi, recommended that the Bandar Lampung City Government impose strict sanctions on illegal coal stockpile companies in the form of closing them and paying fines.

Wiyadi said members of Commission Three at the Bandar Lampung Regional House of Representatives had held hearings to discuss the issue of illegal coal stockpile which was rife in Bandar Lampung.

"We ask the Bandar Lampung City Government through the leading sector, both the Environment Agency and the Public Housing and Settlement Area Office to look directly at the field," said Wiyadi. Monday, February 20, 2023.

Wiyadi emphasized that if the illegal coal stockpile is allowed to continue, it will have an impact on damage to the surrounding environment, and the local community is prone to coal dust pollution.

"The impact of environmental damage caused by illegal coal stockpiles is very high. So we ask the relevant agencies to look into the field," he said.

Wiyada asked the Environmental Service to check the permits for all coal stockpiles in the Bandar Lampung area, whether they were in accordance with established procedures or not.

"If you do have a permit but the spatial layout is not correct, then it must be evaluated," he said.

He explained, when it was discovered that the coal stockpile company did not have a permit, the City Government of Bandar Lampung was obliged to give serious sanctions.

"If there is no permit, action must be taken until closing. Or when they have been operating for a long time and do not have a permit, then they can be fined too," he said.

Young Expert Policy Analyst for the Natural Resources Section of the Regional Secretariat of South Sumatra, Eddy Zulkarnain, explained that pollution from coal stockpiles can occur if the land is not built according to regulations.

"For example, coal is piled up in an open field without a roof or plinth. When it rains, coal will emit compounds such as dangerous heavy metals and when the coal is washed with rainwater, these compounds will flow into the surrounding land (agricultural land and residents' wells)," he said. Eddy.

Eddy revealed, when the coal is roasted by the sun, a self-burning process will occur. This makes the land around the coal stockpile hotter than other locations.

"So that it can damage the microclimate around the coal stockpile. During the coal stockpiling process, it will also cause coal dust to fly. If this dust is inhaled by humans, it will cause respiratory diseases," said Eddy.

Eddy said that the sanctions that could be given to illegal coal stockpile owners included warnings, fines and closure if proven illegal.

The Head of the Lampung Province Environmental Service, Emilia Kusumawati said, there are two areas in Lampung that have the most stockpiles of coal, namely in South Lampung and Bandar Lampung Regencies.

Emilia explained, if the coal stockpile in its activities resembles warehousing both indoor and outdoor, then the authority lies in the area where the building is standing.

"So where the company is established, the authority lies in that area. For permits following building criteria, only then will you know the Amdal or Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts," he said.

Emilia said that monitoring of coal stockpile requires special handling. He admitted that he had issued a circular regarding the management of this coal.

He asked that each stockpile location be equipped with a liquid waste processing installation so that it meets environmental quality standards that are safe to be distributed to surface water bodies.

"Meanwhile, to reduce the impact of the dust produced, it is very necessary to do afforestation around the coal stockpile area. The district head or mayor has the authority to supervise the compliance of those in charge of the business," he explained.

According to him, the district government or city government can postpone or limit the issuance of permits for the establishment of coal stockpile, if the demand for coal in their area has been fulfilled.

"There are sanctions that can be given to coal stockpile companies that are proven to have violated regulations. Namely warnings, coercion to repair, fines, freezing or temporary closure to revocation of permits," he explained.

Previously it was reported that unlicensed or illegal coal stockpiles were rife in the Bandar Lampung and South Lampung areas. Currently, there are only five licensed stockpiles in Bandar Lampung, and in South Lampung four companies.

Based on data compiled by Peel Completed, currently there are only five companies that have licensed or legal coal stockpile businesses in Bandar Lampung. Among them, PT Hasta Dwiyustama, PT Bumi Lampung Perkasa, PT Borneo Trade Energi, PT Bangun Tunas Lampung, and PT Bangun Lampung Sentosa.

In South Lampung Regency, the licensed coal stockpile is PT Sinar Langgeng Logistics in Rangai Village, Katibung District. Then, PT Tabara Nedy Energy, PT Surya Bukit Energy, and PT Rindang Asia Energi in Tanjung Bintang District.

Based on Kupas Complete's monitoring in the field, there are still several other coal stockpiles that are already operating outside of the five legal companies. According to the provisions, the company must have obtained an Environmental Management Effort and Environmental Monitoring Effort permit when opening a coal stockpile.

Tracing in the field, there is a coal stockpile located on the edge of Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Way Laga Village, Sukabumi District, Bandar Lampung. Monitoring at the location, there is no company sign at that location. There is also a coal stockpile belonging to PT Sumatra Bahtera Raya (SBR) which is located in Sukaraja Village, Kecamatan. Sane Earth, Bandar Lampung.

In addition, there is a coal stockpile owned by PT Interglobal Omni Trade located on Jalan Ir. Sutami, Sukanegara Village, Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency, and PT Sinar Laut Logistik in Pasir Island Hamlet, Rangai Tritunggal Village, Katibung District, South Lampung Regency.

"So far it has been recorded that the five companies have obtained permits for Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts in Bandar Lampung. Namely PT Hasta Dwiyustama, PT Bumi Lampung Perkasa, PT Borneo Trade Energi, PT Bangun Tunas Lampung, and PT Bangun Lampung Sentosa," said a Kupastuntas.co source at the Bandar Lampung city government. Sunday, 19 February 2023.

This source said that apart from the five coal stockpile companies, there are no other companies that have applied for permits for Environmental Management and Environmental Monitoring Efforts for the coal stockpile sector.

When contacted, the Head of the Bandar Lampung Environmental Service, Budiman P Mega, refused to comment much on the presence of coal stockpiles in Bandar Lampung.

"I don't know the amount, I don't memorize it," said Budiman. (*)

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