• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

The Regional Government Must Check for Illegal Stockpile in Bandar Lampung and South Lampung Indonesia

Selasa, 21 Februari 2023 - 08.24 WIB

Coal stockpile owned by PT Sinar Langgeng Logistics in Katibung District, South Lampung. Photo: Doc/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The local government must go down directly to check the stockpile of illegal coal which is rampantly operating in the City of Bandar Lampung and South Lampung Regency. The existence of illegal coal stockpile has the potential to cause air pollution and environmental pollution.

Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the Regional People's Representative Council of Lampung Province, I Made Bagiasa, asked the local government to go directly to the field to check the existence of illegal coal stockpiles.

"If it's an illegal coal stockpile, it must be checked, so that it doesn't damage the environment and harm local residents. Because if the requirements requested are not met, then the coal stockpile may not carry out activities or operate," said Bagiasa, Monday, February 20, 2023.

Bagiasa said that his party had scheduled a visit to a coal stockpile company to find out what the daily activities were like.

"Later on our side we will visit the coal stockpile, we will see what the activities are like. Of course this is a concern for us all, don't let the people become victims as a result of the existence of a rogue stockpile," he said.

The Lampung Indonesian Forum for the Environment also asked the local government to check the existence of illegal coal stockpiles which are rife in Bandar Lampung and South Lampung.

Executive Director of Walhi Lampung, Irfan Tri Musri emphasized that there must be strict supervision by the Investment Service and the Environment Service regarding permits owned by coal stockpile companies.

"We have to see if this stockpile has a permit or not? If you don't have a permit, there will automatically be a violation of existing regulations and criminal action can be taken," said Irfan.

Irfan revealed, if the coal stockpile already has a permit, monitoring must be carried out on the activities carried out whether they have an adverse impact on the environment and surrounding communities or not.

"Whether the coal stockpile company is responsible for mitigating its impact or not. Of course this must be a common concern for both the local government and the Regional People's Representative Council. Don't harm the community," he said.

Irfan warned that there were several negative impacts arising from coal stockpile activities. Starting from air pollution due to dust generation to the potential for water and soil pollution, if the stockpile does not manage the environment properly.

"We have also identified several new stockpiles that have sprung up and we have verified them, namely in Panjang Port which is managed by PT TBL and in Katibung District near Selaki Beach. In addition, there is also information in the Jalan Ir Sutami area, but we have not verified it," he said.

Previously it was reported that unlicensed or illegal coal stockpiles were rife in the Bandar Lampung and South Lampung areas. Currently, the number of licensed stockpiles in Bandar Lampung is only five companies, and four companies in South Lampung.

Based on data compiled by Kupastuntas.co, currently there are only five companies that have licensed or legal coal stockpile businesses in Bandar Lampung. Among them, PT Hasta Dwiyustama, PT Bumi Lampung Perkasa, PT Borneo Trade Energi, PT Bangun Tunas Lampung, and PT Bangun Lampung Sentosa.

In South Lampung Regency, the licensed coal stockpile is PT Sinar Langgeng Logistics in Rangai Village, Katibung District. Then, PT Tabara Nedy Energy, PT Surya Bukit Energy, and PT Rindang Asia Energi in Tanjung Bintang District.

Based on Kupastuntas.co monitoring in the field, there are still several other coal stockpiles that are already operating outside of the five legal companies. According to the provisions, the company must have obtained an Environmental Management Effort and Environmental Monitoring Effort permit when opening a coal stockpile.

Tracing in the field, there is a coal stockpile located on the edge of Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Way Laga Village, Sukabumi District, Bandar Lampung. Monitoring at the location, there is no company sign at that location. There is also a coal stockpile belonging to PT Sumatra Bahtera Raya which is located in Sukaraja Village, Bumi Waras District, Bandar Lampung.

In addition, there is a coal stockpile owned by PT Interglobal Omni Trade located on Jalan Ir. Sutami, Sukanegara Village, Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency, and PT Sinar Laut Logistik in Pasir Island Hamlet, Rangai Tritunggal Village, Katibung District, South Lampung Regency.

"So far it has been recorded that the five companies have obtained permits for Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts in Bandar Lampung. Namely PT Hasta Dwiyustama, PT Bumi Lampung Perkasa, PT Borneo Trade Energi, PT Bangun Tunas Lampung, and PT Bangun Lampung Sentosa," said a Kupastuntas source at the Bandar Lampung City Government.

This source said that apart from the five coal stockpile companies, there are no other companies that have applied for permits for Environmental Management and Environmental Monitoring Efforts for the coal stockpile sector.

When contacted, the Head of the Bandar Lampung Environmental Service, Budiman P Mega, refused to comment much on the presence of coal stockpiles in Bandar Lampung.

"I don't know the amount, I don't memorize it," said Budiman.

Likewise, when asked about the number of unlicensed coal stockpile companies, he declined to comment. He only said that the companies were spread over the Panjang and Rawa Laut sub-districts.

"I don't know either, it's the head of the field who knows. But never mind asking about other things," he said. (*)

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