• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Revealed! Three Unila Bribery Defendants Have Fantastic Salaries During Their Positions

Selasa, 21 Februari 2023 - 18.15 WIB

The three Unila bribe defendants, Karomani, Heryandi, and Muhammad Basri. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastutas.co, Bandar Lampung - The total net salary income of the three bribery defendants for the 2022 Independent Student Admissions at the University of Lampung (Unila) turned out to be billions of rupiah during their tenure or the period from November 2019 to August 2022.

The three Unila bribe defendants received this fantastic salary, including former Chancellor of Unila Karomani, former Vice Chancellor 1 Heryandi and former Head of Senate Unila M. Basri.

The details are that the defendant Karomani earned a net salary of 2.1 billion rupiah, Heryandi 1.6 billion rupiah, and Muhammad Basri 1 billion more.

The fact of this fantastic salary was revealed when the Implementation Staff and General Section of Unila, Muhammad Ismail, became a witness in the continuation trial of Unila's bribery independent pathway at the Tanjungkarang Corruption Crime District Court, Tuesday (21/2/2023).

Initially, the Public Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Agung Satrio Wibowo asked witness M. Ismail regarding his capacity to be examined by KPK investigators and presented at the trial of the case.

"Witness Muhammad Ismail, what do you do?" asked Agung.

"I am the salary manager at the University of Lampung, the implementation staff in the salary department," answered the witness Ismail.

"Can you explain for what purpose you are being presented at this trial," asked Agung.

"Yesterday I was confirmed regarding the income of my leaders (the three defendants)," said Ismail.

Then, the Prosecutor also asked the witness to reveal the detailed amount of the salary of the three defendants.

"For the details, I forgot to remember the numbers," said witness Ismail.

Responding to this answer, the Prosecutor then showed the Minutes of Examination (BAP) of witness Ismail before the trial.

"Permission to show the BAP witness Your Honor, BAP number 9, have you ever given a statement like this?" asked the Prosecutor.

"That's right," replied the witness.

In the BAP, there is a clear breakdown of the basic salary and various allowances received by the defendants Karomani CS.

"Therefore, the net income of Prof. Karomani, as Chancellor of the University of Lampung for the period November 2019 - August 2022 is more than 2 billion," wrote the BAP statement which was displayed.

Then, the Prosecutor confirmed the truth to the witness Ismail. "Two billion more for 3 years," said the prosecutor.

"Yes," short witness Ismail.

Not only the former Chancellor of Unila Karomani, Ismail's testimony also revealed the net salaries of two other defendants, namely Heryandi and Muhammad Basri.

"Then Heryandi, you also provide information here, his income while in office was 1.6 billion," said Agung.

"That's right," said witness Ismail.

"Okay, then M. Basri's income is 1 billion, since he took office (as Chairman of the Unila Senate), right?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes sir," said Ismail.

After hearing the details of the net salary figures, the Prosecutor then asked for information regarding the technicalities of payment to the receipt of the salaries of the three defendants.

The witness Ismail also answered that the payment period for the basic salary and various allowances was received by the three defendants on the 1st of each month. Meanwhile, allowances for lecturer certificates and professor title certification are paid in the middle of the month.

"Later it will be transferred directly to each employee, but we will only propose its nature," answered the witness Ismail. (*)