• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Congrats! Arinal Djunaidi Elected as General Chairperson of KONI Lampung Indonesia

Senin, 20 Februari 2023 - 17.42 WIB

Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi was elected by acclamation as General Chair of the Lampung National Sports Committee (KONI) at the Provincial Sports Conference (Musorprov) which was held at the Bukit Randu Hotel, Monday (20/02/2023) for the 2023 – 2027 period.

Based on the monitoring of Kupastuntas.co, the management of the KONI of Lampung Province was declared decommissioned at around 12.00 AM followed by a suspension hearing until 14.00 PM and continued with a Commission meeting.

Arinal Djunaidi was declared elected which was agreed upon by the Deliberation participants. Based on data collected by Arinal Djunaidi, it is supported by 70 sports branches, with details of 50 achievements in sports branches, 5 supports for functional sports branches, 15 supports from Regency/City KONI.

While those that do not support as many as 5 Sports Branches namely PBSI (Badminton), PERCUSI (Kurash), Squash (PSI), Rock Climbing (FPTI), and Kickboxing (KBI).

Meanwhile, 6 sports that died were Kabaddi, Handball, Jiu Jit-Su, Soft Tennis, Yong Modo Federation, FORKI. Then as many as 1 functional dead, namely Bappor KORPRI, so that in total there are 82 Sports Branches.

In his remarks, Arinal said, there are three main challenges at KONI Lampung in the future. First, there are many public demands to improve the achievements of athletes.

"Second, the challenge of increasing sports infrastructure, third, the challenge of managing the organization," said Arinal.

With these three challenges, he hopes KONI Lampung can design work programs that are right on target, and can be implemented properly in the field. "The KONI chairman cannot be separated from his management," said Arinal.

While Yusuf Barusman, the general chairman of KONI who had just stepped down, said that Arinal was so powerful in leading KONI going forward.

"God willing, it will be better. I think the most important thing is achievement because the main measure is that we have succeeded in coaching to be in the top 10," he said. (*)