Lampung Indonesia Spurring Increased Exports of Mangosteen

Photo: Illustration, Bandar Lampung - Lampung Province is trying to spur an increase in mangosteen exports to foreign countries, because it is considered that mangosteen production in the local area is high.
Based on the records of the Lampung Central Statistics Agency, mangosteen fruit production in Tanggamus Regency in 2021 reached 17,687,200 kg, more than several other districts in Lampung, such as West Coast which reached 977,100 kg, and West Lampung as much as 865,500 kg.
The high production of mangosteen in Tanggamus Regency has quite high export opportunities. Based on IQFAST data from the Agricultural Quarantine Agency, in 2022 mangosteen from Tanggamus will be able to enter the Chinese market with a total export of 71,708 kg.
The high production of mangosteen in Tanggamus Regency requires related stakeholders to work together to encourage this export. Therefore, they sat down together to find a solution and equalize perceptions in spurring an increase in exports to foreign countries, Thursday 16 February 2023.
Head of the Lampung Agriculture Quarantine Agency, Donni Muksydayan emphasized, this togetherness is to unravel the barriers to the export of mangosteen fruit from Tanggamus Regency.
"My hope is that our gathering can encourage an increase in the number of exports of mangosteen fruit like other regions," said Donni, opening the meeting.
Acting Expert Staff for Trade and International Relations of the Ministry of Agriculture, Inti Pertiwi Nashwari conveyed that the accelerated export of mangosteen from Tanggamus Regency needs the support of all interrelated stakeholders.
"Hand in hand, help and encourage each other's exports of mangosteen, especially production from Tanggamus Regency," he said.
He thanked the quarantine for taking the lead in encouraging mangosteen exports from Tanggamus Regency.
The Plant Quarantine Sub Coordinator, Irsan Nuhantoro revealed, technical guidance regarding packing houses and export requirements for the destination country, in this case China, had been carried out.
“Encouraging farmers is also not spared. A large packing house is needed to be able to accommodate mangosteen production," he said.
On the other hand, the Lampung Agricultural Quarantine Center stated that Lampung coffee exports would increase sharply in 2022. Lampung coffee beans were exported to 65 countries as much as 564,437 tons in the last three years.
The number of export destination countries for coffee beans from Lampung has been recorded for the last three years.
Head of the Lampung Agricultural Quarantine Center, Donni Muksydayan explained, the 564,437 tons of Lampung coffee beans were divided into exports in 2022 of 310,682 tons, plus 96,850 tons of exports in 2021 and 156,905 tons in exports in 2020.
"The export volume of coffee beans in 2022 will increase when compared to the export volume of the previous two years," he explained recently.
With this increasing trend, Donni assesses that Lampung coffee bean exports will continue to grow in the following year. This has been proven by the export activity of Lampung coffee beans in early 2023.
Donni said that there were as many as 400 thousand kilograms of coffee beans ready for export this time with the destination country Turkey.
According to him, the ready-to-export coffee has met the standard for requesting quarantine inspection and the completeness of the export requirements for agricultural products.
"In 2023, Lampung Province through a responsible company will start exporting coffee beans to Turkey," he said.
"We have carried out physical examinations and taken commodity samples. Later these samples will be examined at the plant quarantine laboratory belonging to the Lampung Agricultural Quarantine for further delivery," he said. (*)
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