• Minggu, 06 Oktober 2024

50 Fire Cases Occurred in Metro Lampung City, Indonesia in the Last Two Years

Kamis, 16 Februari 2023 - 19.31 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Metro - The Fire and Rescue Division of the Metro City Civil Service Police Unit noted that as many as 50 cases of fire occurred in Bumi Sai Wawai from January 2021 to February 2023.

Head of the Fire and Rescue Division, Civil Service Police Unit for Metro City, Marwan Hakim, said that the number of fires in Metro City had increased significantly since 2021.

"Based on comparative data on fire cases in Metro City, namely in 2021 there were 19 fire cases, then in 2022 there were 29 fire cases. Then, as of February 16 2023 there have been 2 fire cases. So a total of 50 fire cases are counted from 2021 to early 2023," said Marwan, when met in his office. Thursday, 16 February 2023.

The man who is familiarly called Bung Hakim explained, the Civil Service Police Unit of the Metro City Fire Department only has three fire fleets with 30 personnel ready to go into action.

"In the Fire and Rescue Department itself there are 30 personnel who are divided into 3 teams and are ready to support activities in the field. The Fire and Rescue Department also has 3 fire extinguishers, although this number is not ideal for a city with a fairly dense population in Metro, but we trying to maximize performance with existing facilities and infrastructure," he explained.

Meanwhile with regard to Light Fire Extinguishers, the Metro City Public Service Police Unit has distributed letters to all Regional Apparatus Organizations to anticipate fires by providing Light Fire Extinguishers.

"We have distributed a circular letter for the provision of fire extinguishers to all Regional Apparatus Organizations in 2021 yesterday. This is an effort to anticipate, so that if a fire occurs it can be dealt with quickly," he concluded.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit for Metro City, Jose Sarmento, explained that the fire that occurred at the Simple Rent Flats on Wednesday, 15 February 2023 left grief for the victims.

Jose hopes that every office building, educational institution, to housing in Metro City can have a Light Fire Extinguisher as a means of anticipating the spread of fire when a fire occurs.

"The fire incident at the Rusunawa yesterday, if there is a standard Light Fire Extinguisher, the community can help carry out early prevention or at least the first handling of fires. We hope that employers also have Light Fire Extinguishers, because that is one way to help prevent when there was a small fire.

"And for places of business, private and government agencies that do not yet have a Light Fire Extinguisher, they can also coordinate with the Fire and Rescue Unit of the Metro City Civil Service Police Unit. We will try to facilitate it and we will definitely help," he added.

Jose explained, his party continues to socialize about the provision of Light Fire Extinguishers. According to him, not all Regional Apparatus Organization offices in Metro have Light Fire Extinguishers.

"For the municipal government office itself, it already exists, but what is not yet like the Regional Apparatus Organization is still there which is not yet and we are still continuing to conduct outreach around. For the maintenance of fire extinguishers at the Metro City Government office itself there is already a person in charge who works there, But when we are asked to check, we will definitely do it," he explained.

"Checking of Light Fire Extinguishers is carried out every 3 to 4 months. Because this fire extinguisher is a one-time use tool. Our Firefighters already have the ability for that and our officers are also ready to provide training to institutions that need training in taming fire using fire extinguishers. Light Fire Extinguisher," he added.

Jose said that each Regional Apparatus Organization office in Metro should ideally have at least two canisters of disposable Light Fire Extinguishers. He also appealed to all building owners on Bumi Sai Wawai to be facilitated with a Light Fire Extinguisher.

"We hope that all Regional Apparatus Organizations in Metro city, educational institutions ranging from universities to schools, sub-district offices, sub-districts will all have Light Fire Extinguishers. Because ideally one office should have at least 2 Small Size Fire Extinguishers. 12 kilos," he said.

Previously, the Mayor of Metro had issued a circular letter dated May 5 2021 with letter number 24/SE/D-06/2021 concerning the provision of fire extinguishers in Metro City.

In the letter, all buildings ranging from buildings, shop houses to shops are expected to have a Light Fire Extinguisher as an anticipatory effort to create security and prevent the start of a fire. (*)

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