• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

The Vulnerability of The 2024 Election In Central Lampung Indonesia Is In The High Category

Rabu, 15 Februari 2023 - 19.17 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Commissioner of the Election Supervisory Board for Lampung Province Division of Prevention and Community Participation, Karno Ahmad Satarya said, apart from Bandar Lampung City, Central Lampung Regency which is in second place is highly prone to elections in 2024.

Based on a study of the Election Vulnerability Index by the Election Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia, Lampung Province is included in the medium-prone category in the 2024 Election. However, for details of 15 Regencies/Cities in Lampung Province, the first high-risk is Bandar Lampung City with a score of 62.89.

"Then in second place is Central Lampung with a score of 54.65," said Karno, when contacted by Kupastuntas.co via telephone, Wednesday (15/02/2023).

Karno explained, in the Election Vulnerability Index, the Election Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia has mapped the vulnerability with various dimensions, namely the socio-political dimension, the election management dimension, the contestation dimension, and the participation dimension.

"So from each of these dimensions there are scores and rankings for each City-Regency. From that score, it is calculated to become a district Election Vulnerability Index score and produces Bandar Lampung City as the first high-risk, and Central Lampung High-prone second place," he explained.

Karno detailed the score of the Election Vulnerability Index for each of these dimensions. On the socio-political dimension, West Lampung Regency is the first highly vulnerable district with a score of 95.63. On the dimensions of the election organizers, the city of Bandar is ranked first in high risk with a score of 92.89.

Then on the contestation dimension, Central Lampung is the first high-prone with a score of 83.81. And the highest participation dimension is Bandar Lampung in the moderate category with a score of 2.

"Currently we are socializing the Election Vulnerability Index and seeing how it develops in each City District in Lampung Province. The score for the Election Vulnerability Index for each City District in Lampung Province is not much different," he explained.

Chairman of the Election Supervisory Board for Lampung Province Isakrdo P Panggar appealed to all elements of society to work together to carry out political oversight to make the 2024 Election successful.

"We all have to oversee the election so that it can run in an orderly manner according to the rules, we also have to carry out political education to the public so that they produce quality leaders," he concluded. (*)

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