• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Husband and Wife in Bandar Lampung Indonesia Peddle Underage Children for Online Prostitution

Rabu, 15 Februari 2023 - 19.34 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - A husband and wife couple in Bandar Lampung Indonesia were arrested by the police for being pimps selling underage women through the Micchat application on Wednesday (15/2/2023).

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bandar Lampung Police, Kompol Dennis Arya Putra, said the couple were Arya Panca Saputra (24) and GS (18), residents of Kemiling, Bandar Lampung.

"The two perpetrators are still young and determined to become pimps because of economic pressure," he said.

The perpetrator's mode was by promoting the victim GD (13) through the MicChat application which was downloaded via the victim's cellphone, which is someone close to the perpetrator.

"Then the perpetrators communicate or negotiate with customers who intend to commit adultery (sexual intercourse) with the victim," he said.

From the investigation, the perpetrators set a price of 300 thousand rupiahs to 800 thousand rupiahs for one sexual intercourse date.

"After agreeing, the two of them met at an inn and the perpetrator took the victim to meet a customer who wanted to have intercourse," he added.

After having sexual intercourse, the offender receives payment money from the customer and is divided in half with the victim.

The evidence that was secured was a Vivo Handphone unit belonging to the victim. Now the perpetrators Arya Panca Saputra (24) and GS (18) have been detained at the Bandar Lampung Police Station.

"For his actions, the perpetrator is subject to Article 2 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Crime of Trafficking in Persons with a maximum prison sentence of 15 years," he concluded. (*)