• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

The Number of Polling Stations in Lampung, Indonesia Decreased by 1,634 in the 2024 Elections

Selasa, 14 Februari 2023 - 08.14 WIB

Photo: Illustration

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The General Election Commission of Lampung has again rearranged the number of polling places for the 2024 election. The result has been a decrease from 27,309 polling places to 25,675 polling places or a reduction of 1,634 polling places.

The reduction in the number of polling places is in accordance with the Republic of Indonesia General Election Commission Circular Number 147 of 2022 which requests all district/city General Election Commissions throughout Indonesia to restructure polling places by maximizing the number of voters at each polling place close to 300 voters.

"The number of polling places in Lampung has decreased by 1,634 polling places. From the previous 27,309 polling places, this has decreased to 25,675 polling places," said Commissioner of the Lampung General Election Commission for Data and Information Center, Agus Riyanto, Monday 13 February 2023.

The highest number of voting places was in Central Lampung Regency, with 4,063, and the least in Metro City, with 460 voting places.

Agus said that the determination of the voting places still took into account geographical factors, there were 2,651 villages throughout Lampung. Updating the number of polling places will continue to be carried out periodically until the final voter list is determined.

Agus revealed, at the 25,675 polling stations, voters' data would be updated by carrying out research matching.

The Voter Data Updating Officer will carry out research matching at each polling place according to their working area. The number of voters in Lampung Province for the 2024 Election was recorded at 6,527,356 people spread across 15 regencies/cities, 229 sub-districts and 2,651 villages/wards.

Agus said the Voter Data Updating Officer would match and examine the data at each polling station. If there is incorrect or inappropriate data, it will be changed so that the data is correct.

He explained, the Voter Data Updating Officer could use a manual formula research match if there was an internet network interruption.

Agus hopes that the Pantarlih officers will be able to complete the research matching by March 14, 2023.

Commissioner of the Lampung General Election Commission for Community Participation, Antonius revealed, the initial implementation of matching research would target important figures in society.

"As an initial step we will target important figures in Lampung such as community leaders and religious leaders so that people know and believe that this research matching has officially started," said Antonius.

He hopes that the Voter Data Updating Officer can work professionally by conducting research matching to residents' homes.

"If a voter is not at home, the officer can ask the head of the local community. What are the habits concerned, whether they come home from work in the afternoon, afternoon, evening, or they can also carry out research matching before the person concerned goes to work," he explained.

He said, for people who really couldn't or weren't at home when matching research was carried out, they could use video calls.

According to him, currently the Coklit system uses electronic or application-based research matching to facilitate updating of data. Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council of the Gerindra Party Lampung, Mirzani Djausal admitted, he was happy that he was the initial target of matching research in Lampung.

"The officers work for our common interests. I remind the public that one vote from us is very valuable and meaningful. Let's work together to make it easier for the officers to make the election process successful," he said. (*)

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