Abdul Moeloek Regional General Hospital Is Ready To Fulfill The Policy For Eliminating Inpatient Classes Of The Social Security Administering Body

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Health Social Security Administering Body will implement a class elimination policy in hospitals. Instead, each inpatient room of the Health Social Security Administration Agency only contains 4 bedrooms and is equipped with air conditioning.
Meanwhile, the Abdul Moeloek Lampung Regional General Hospital said they were ready to implement the policy.
Abdul Moeloek Hospital Director Lukman Pura said the elimination of inpatient classrooms or also known as the implementation of the National Health Insurance Standard Inpatient Class, Health Social Security Organizing Agency. They are preparing in that direction.
"We are working on this policy for the Social Security Organizing Body class. Because it has been like this since last year, but we are slowly moving toward that policy. But what is certain is that our hospital is ready to support this policy," said Lukman, when questioned. Tuesday, 14 February 2023.
In order to fulfill this, Lukman said, there are several criteria that must be met, such as in one room there are 4 bedrooms and so on.
"But we also have one room with 4 rooms. At this time, it is important for us that the patients of the Social Security Administering Body can be cared for and maintained," he said.
Lukman admits, the Social Security Administering Body is also gradually asking his party to fulfill what is needed.
Lukman explained, currently there are 625 rooms available at Abdul Moeloek Lampung Regional General Hospital. But his party will make 800 until they want to go to 1000 rooms.
"Now we are also making another emergency so that the room can be accommodated, because our hospital is also adding various facilities, such as adding beds and so on," he said.
Lukman admitted that his party received the policy of the Social Security Administrative Body for Health, because the Social Security Administering Body itself wanted to move towards improving customer service.
"So we as executors participate in synergy. Last year the policy was launched, now this year it is being evaluated," he said.
Regarding the implementation when it will be implemented, his party also does not know for sure. "But we prioritize good well-maintained service in that direction," he explained.
Meanwhile, the Head of the General HR and Public Communications Division of the Bandar Lampung Branch of the Health Social Security Organizing Agency, Dodi Sumardi said, when the abolition of inpatient classrooms would be carried out, his party also had no direction from the center.
"Regarding the policy, we have no instructions yet. Because it is still the Ministry of Health," said Dodi.
So that his party also has no preparation, because there is no directive. Including, when it will be implemented and how much the fee will be, we don't know yet.
"What is certain, later if there are instructions, we will inform them later," he said. (*)
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