• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Government of Bandar Lampung City of Indonesia Budgets IDR 200 Billion for Road Improvement

Senin, 13 Februari 2023 - 19.33 WIB

Eva Dwiana The Mayor of Bandar Lampung City. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The City Government of Bandar Lampung Indonesia, has budgeted 200 billion rupiah to repair roads in its area in 2023.

"The road construction, which is budgeted at 200 billion, is all roads in all sub-districts. Hopefully it is targeted to be completed by 2023, and I wants this road repair to be carried out simultaneously in all sub-districts, so that it can also be completed together," said the Mayor of Bandar Lampung, Eva Dwiana, Monday (13/2/2023).

Eva explained that the budget for this road uses the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget funds.

"So it's not using Village funds. Because if village funds are for the community, for example to help mosques or prayer rooms and other important issues don't be misused," she said.

She also emphasized that the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency should always monitor this budget and its use.

"This is important. Because if we are not assisted we will not know. But this is grateful for all village heads, Regional Organizations, State Attorney officials and the police all providing assistance. Hopefully development in our area will run well, smoothly and we will turn our city into a big city ," She said.

Therefore, her party focuses on infrastructure road improvement programs, where all roads must be good and also on time.

"At the end of February or early March, everything will be repaired simultaneously. I also asked the community and also the village head, sub-district head for their cooperation," said Eva.

"If we synergize all moves then hopefully this plan will be implemented," She continued. (*)