• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Perum Bulog Regional Office Lampung Indonesia Has Distributed 8,507 Tons of Rice for Price Stabilization

Minggu, 12 Februari 2023 - 17.39 WIB

Rice Traders at The Tugu Market in Bandar Lampung City. Photo: Doc/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Perum Bulog Regional Division of Lampung has so far distributed 8,507 tons of rice through market operations or Stabilization of Food Supply and Prices.

Head of Perum Bulog Regional Division of Lampung, Etik Yulianti said, the distribution of rice was carried out in nine markets in Bandar Lampung City, several Rumah Pangan Kita and several rice shops.

"Until now, Bulog Office for the Lampung Region has distributed 8,507 tons of rice. The price is IDR 43,000 for each 5-kilogram sack with good quality," Etik said when asked for information. Sunday, February 12, 2023.

Etik explained, that currently there are 18,000 tons of rice available at Bulog Lampung warehouses. In addition, efforts to stabilize prices through the Stabilization of Food Supply and Prices program will continue until the end of the year.

"Rice stocks during the harvest will continue to increase with the absorption of grain by Bulog itself," he said.

When contacted by kupastuntas.co, a Setiarin grocery seller at Tugu Market said, that currently the price of both premium and medium rice on the market has not shown any decline.

Where for medium rice it was initially IDR 8,500 per kilogram and continues to gradually increase, where currently the price of premium rice is IDR 12,500 per kilogram.

"As for premium rice, it was initially IDR 11,000 per kilogram, while now it has reached IDR 14,000 per kilogram," said Setiarin.

Setiarin explained, with the increase in rice prices, people prefer to reduce purchases.

"Many people have reduced their purchases, for example, at first it was 10 kilograms, now it is 5 kilograms. Apart from that, the stock is also not as abundant as it used to be, so we have to deposit money first with the distributor, then the rice is sent," he explained. (*)

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