Congrats! CEO of Kupas Tuntas Group Donald Harris Sihotang Wins Doctoral Degree, Very Satisfying Predicate

Donald Harris Sihotang took a photo with the examiners after receiving his doctorate at UIN Raden Intan Lampung. Photo:, Bandar
Lampung - CEO of Kupas Tuntas Group, Donald Harris Sihotang holds the 281st
Doctorate in Islamic Education Management at Raden Intan State Islamic
University Lampung (UIN RIL) Indonesia with a Grade Point Average of 3.76, a
very satisfactory predicate.
Donald Harris Sihotang
won his Doctoral degree after undergoing a promotion exam at the Ballroom of
UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Sukarame, Bandar Lampung Indonesia, Thursday (9/2/23).
The open session was chaired by Prof. Wan Jamaludin Z, Examiner I Prof Sulthan
Syahrir, Examiner II Prof. Siti Patimah, Examiner III Prof. Agus Pahrudin,
Examiner IV Dr. Achi Rinaldi, Examiner V Dr. Heni Noviarita, and Session
Secretary Dr. Coderi.
After the open
session, the Chancellor of UIN RIL Jamaludin immediately handed over the
doctoral award certificate to Donald Harris Sihotang.
The Chairperson of the
Session who is also the Chancellor of UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Prof. Wan
Jamaludin Z said, Donald Harris Sihotang was declared to have graduated with
very satisfactory honors.
"With the
completion of today's open examination, Donald Harris Sihotang has been
designated as the 281st Doctor. Once again we congratulate Donald Harris
Sihotang," said Jamaludin.
Jamaludin revealed
that the open session this time looked different because it was attended by
extraordinary invited guests such as the Chairman of Commission IV of the
People's Representative Council (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) who is
also Chair of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI) Lampung, Sudin.
"The doctoral
promotion this time is unusual because the figures who were present at this
trial were unusual. Apart from that, the material raised was also
extraordinary, so the guests who attended were also extraordinary. This is an
honor for UIN Raden Intan Lampung," he said.
Jamaludin said, with
Donald Harris Sihotang earning a Doctorate degree in the Islamic Education
Management study program, it shows that UIN Raden Intan is a tertiary
institution that does not discriminate between beliefs.
"UIN Raden Intan
is ready to become a tertiary institution for all schools of thought, all
parties, and open to all education. We uphold religious moderation in
Indonesia, including Lampung," he explained.
Examiner I, Prof.
Sulthan Syahrir said Donald Harris Sihotang was the first non-Muslim student to
hold a Doctorate degree at UIN RIL.
"This is
surprising and extraordinary, and shows that UIN RIL highly upholds religious
moderation and tolerance. This is proof that UIN RIL never discriminates
between beliefs and respects differences," he said.
He explained that
Donald Harris Sihotang's dissertation was a solution to teachers' anxiety.
"This dissertation is very interesting, which is very useful especially
among teachers. This dissertation is likened to a savior who provides a
solution to the anxiety experienced by teachers," he said.
Examiner II, Prof.
Siti Patimah revealed that Donald Harris Sihotang was one of the fastest
students in the class of 2020 who finished in less than three years or around
2.5 years.
"Actually, when
he was in college, he wanted to leave, maybe because the subjects were
difficult to adjust to. But we from the department continued to support and
support. Thank God, everything was passed and finished the fastest of his
friends in the class," said Patimah.
Patimah explained, the
research conducted by Donald Harris Sihotang gave birth to a training
management model that was needed by teachers not only in Lampung, but also
teachers in Indonesia.
"The problem in
this research is a national problem. Where teachers who have problems in
writing scientific papers are not only in Lampung, but nationally," he
Meanwhile, Donald
Harris Sihotang said that the Doctoral degree he received coincided with a
special day for Indonesian journalists, namely National Press Day.
"Today is very
special, because my Doctoral promotion session coincides with National Press
Day on February 9, 2023, whose celebration takes place in Medan, North
Sumatra," he said.
Donald revealed that
differences are not a barrier, because everyone has the same opportunity to
study at a green campus. "Hopefully UIN Raden Intan Lampung can continue
to advance to the international level," he said.
The Chairman of
Commission IV DPR RI, Sudin who was present at the event expressed his pride
for Donald Harris Sihotang by winning a Doctorate degree. "Very proud that
the cadres from PDI Perjuangan Lampung have won a Doctorate degree, Dr. Donald
Harris Sihotang," said Sudin.
The chairman of the
PDI Perjuangan DPD admitted that he was quite surprised because the campus
where Donald Harris Sihotang studied was an Islamic campus. "Because what
I know is that UIN is a State Islamic University. Which is usually devoted to
Islamic students," he said.
Sudin promised to
convey to the PDI Perjuangan Central Representative Council (DPP) that UIN RIL
is an open campus, regardless of ethnicity, religion and race. "This is
something to be proud of," he added.
Sudin hopes that the
Doctoral degree won by Donald Harris Sihotang will motivate him to do more,
especially for the people of Lampung. "The DPP extends greetings to Donald
Harris Sihotang from General Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri and Puan
Maharani," he said. (*)
This news was
published in the Kupas Tuntas Daily Newspaper, Friday 10 February 2023 edition
with the title "Donald Harris Sihotang 281st Doctor of UIN RIL"
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