• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

2.36 Million Vehicles in Lampung Indonesia Do Not Pay Taxes

Selasa, 07 Februari 2023 - 08.42 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Lampung Province Regional Revenue Agency noted that as many as 2.36 million four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles in Lampung did not pay motor vehicle tax. The Lampung Provincial Government plans to hold a vehicle tax write-off in April 2023.

Head of the Regional Revenue Agency for Lampung Province, Adi Erlansyah said, currently a draft Governor Regulation is being drafted to obtain approval from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"We hope that in April Lampung Province will be able to carry out a tax relief program. So there will be an elimination of fines and tax principal relief. And this has been implemented in several regions in Indonesia," Adi said when met at the Kayu Restaurant, Bandar Lampung, Monday (6/2/23).

Adi revealed, for the implementation of the motor vehicle tax write-off, a recommendation from the Ministry of Home Affairs must first be obtained.

Adi explained, currently in Lampung Province there are around 3,560,000 registered vehicles. However, only 1.2 million vehicles pay taxes, the remaining 2.36 million vehicles do not pay taxes and most of them are two-wheeled.

"We have not set a target for how big it is, because the number of vehicles that are tax-deductible is quite a lot. The hope is that these tax-dead vehicles can be verified, are they still there or not? Maybe the vehicles are no longer there but they are still registered or the vehicles have been stolen," he explained.

He supports the implementation of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation Article 74, that the deletion of vehicle data can be carried out if the vehicle owner does not re-register for at least two years after the validity period of the Vehicle Number Certificate (STNK) expires.

"There are still many registered vehicles that do not pay taxes because the National Police have never deleted vehicle data. So the vehicle data deletion program is very effective, and data can be obtained that has the potential to be taxed," he said.

477 BUMDes Become e-Samdes Agents

Lampung Province currently has 2,435 villages, and 2,188 villages of which have active Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), and there are 57 Joint Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDesma).

Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi said, the purpose of establishing BUMDes is to institutionalize the village economy so that it is more systematic, efficient, effective, efficient and competitive. As well as providing convenience for the community, one of which is in the payment of vehicle tax.

"Through BUMDes, village opportunities to drive the economy are becoming more and more open. One of the breakthroughs we have made is being able to accept vehicle tax payments," said Arinal during a BUMDes discussion meeting at the Kayu Restaurant, Bandar Lampung, Monday (6/2/23).

Arinal hopes that BUMDes will be able to play an effective role as a new locomotive for the economic activities of villagers, as well as driving the economic engine in the countryside. He suggested that business units built by BUMDes should be directed at optimizing local resources in the village.

"We are also developing e-Samdes in collaboration with the Provincial Government, Regional Police, Bank Lampung, and PT Jasa Raharja. The benefits are now being felt by the community. Taxpayers only need to come to the nearest BUMDes. No need to go all the way to the district capital just to pay vehicle tax in the Samsat office," he said.

SAMSAT stands for One-stop Administration Services Office. At the office there are a series of activities in the implementation of registration and identification of motorized vehicles including Payment of Motor Vehicle Tax.

BUMDes as electronic village Samsat agents (e-Samdes), not only serve local villagers, but also residents from other villages.

"The e-Samdes program has started since 2021. Until now 477 BUMDes have become e-Samdes agents, with the current number of transactions of 13,596. The transaction value has reached more than IDR 19 billion," explained Arinal.

Head of the Lampung Province Village Community Empowerment and Transmigration Office, Zaidirina explained, the new e-Samdes program is in Lampung Province.

"E-Samdes is only in Lampung. People only need to come to BUMDes to pay vehicle tax, and don't need to go to the main Samsat to pick up their letters. So they just have to wait at home," he said.

BUMDes which are e-Samdes partners will receive several benefits, one of which is getting 5,000 rupiah per transaction provided by Bank Lampung.

"Most transactions are currently at Indra Mulya BUMDes in East Lampung. The vehicle tax transactions are 1,260 units. We will continue to encourage other BUMDes to increase the number of transactions," he explained. (*)

This news was published in the Kupas Tuntas newspaper, Tuesday, 7 February 2023 with the title "2.36 Million Vehicles in Lampung Don't Pay Taxes"