• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

The Economy of Lampung Indonesia Province Grows 4.28 Percent in 2022

Senin, 06 Februari 2023 - 18.41 WIB

Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics for Lampung Province, Endang Retno Sri Subiyandani, giving a statement, Monday 6 February 2023. Photo: Special.

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Central Bureau of Statistics for Lampung Province noted that the economy of Lampung Province in 2022 grew by 4.28 percent, stronger than in 2021 which grew by 2.77 percent.

From the production side, the highest growth occurred in other service business fields which grew by 25.45 percent. Meanwhile, from the expenditure side, the export component of goods and services experienced the highest growth of 6.67 percent.

Meanwhile, the economy of Lampung Province in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the third quarter of 2022 experienced a contraction of 5.34 percent.

From the production side, the business fields that experienced the deepest growth contraction were agriculture, forestry and fisheries by 17.41 percent.

Meanwhile, when viewed from the expenditure side, in the fourth quarter of 2022 the contraction that occurred was driven by negative growth in the component of exports of goods and services of 4.75 percent.

Head of the Central Statistics Agency for Lampung Province, Endang Retno Sri Subiyandani said, in 2022 the highest cumulative growth occurred in other service business sectors by 25.45 percent, transportation and warehousing grew by 20.34 percent, and corporate services grew by 17.49 percent .

"Furthermore, the wholesale, retail and car repair business sectors as well as the provision of lodging and food and drink grew by 15.35 percent and 12.61 percent respectively," said Endang, Monday, February 6, 2023.

Meanwhile, there were still business fields that experienced growth contraction, especially mining and quarrying as well as financial services with contractions reaching 3.88 percent and 3.58 percent respectively.

"Lampung Province's economy is still dominated by agriculture, forestry and fisheries with a role of 27.90 percent. Followed by the processing industry 18.55 percent, wholesale trade and repair of cars 13.20 percent and construction 9 percent .75 percent," he said.

The acting head of the Lampung Province Economic Bureau, Rinva Yanti explained, his party would soon hold a meeting to discuss which sectors were experiencing growth and also experiencing contractions.

"Tomorrow we will dissect what are the obstacles and problems or what is developing positively so that improvements and improvements can be made in the following quarter," said Rinva.

According to him, there are several sectors that can have added value in improving the economy in 2023. Such as strengthening sectors that have added value or high employment, such as agriculture and forestry.

Then develop new sources of economic growth that have strong economic growth power such as developing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with capital support to economic empowerment through Islamic boarding schools.

"The sharia-based economy will also be further expanded by providing economic stimulus through the consumption sector. Especially now that meetings are no longer online so that the food and beverage industry is back to active," he explained.

In addition, controlling inflation is also important because economic growth and inflation cannot be separated and support the implementation of Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions.

“With this activity we can invite other people to come visit. Because this can move the economy and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as well as move Village-Owned Enterprises and cooperatives," he concluded. (*)

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