• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Lampung Indonesia Owns 2,188 Village Owned Enterprises, Makes it Easy for People to Pay Vehicle Taxes

Senin, 06 Februari 2023 - 19.25 WIB

Governor of Lampung Arinal Djunaidi when giving his directions in a BUMDes discussion meeting with members of the media at the Kayu Restaurant. Monday, 6 February 2023. Photo: Ria/Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Lampung Indonesia Province has 2,435 villages, and of these 2,188 villages have active Village-Owned Enterprises and there are 57 Joint-Village-Owned Enterprises. 

The Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi, explained that the purpose of establishing the Village-Owned Enterprises is to institutionalize the village economy so that it is more systematic, efficient, effective, efficient and competitive. As well as providing convenience for the community, one of which is in paying vehicle tax.

"Through Village-Owned Enterprises, the opportunity for villages to drive the economy is becoming more open, by developing potential businesses in their villages. One of the breakthroughs we have made is to pay vehicle tax," said Arinal during a discussion meeting with members of the media at the Kayu Restaurant, Monday, 6 February 2023..

He hopes that Village Owned Enterprises will be able to play an effective role as a new locomotive for the economic activities of villagers and move the economic engine in the countryside. Business units built through BUMDes should be directed to optimize local resources in the village.

Meanwhile, the Village Owned Enterprise business unit in Lampung is engaged in livestock farming, trading of agricultural products and production facilities, microfinance or savings and loan institutions, leasing services, trade, distributors, retail, and local tourism businesses.

"We are also developing e-Samdes which is a collaboration between the Provincial Government, Polda, Bank Lampung, and PT Jasa Raharja. The benefits are now being felt by the community. Taxpayers only need to come to the nearest village-owned enterprise. There is no need to go all the way to the district capital to pay vehicle tax at the Samsat Office," he said.

In addition, Village Owned Enterprises, which are e-Samdes agents, can not only serve local villagers, but can also serve residents from other villages. This is certainly a new source of income for BUMDes.

"We have started the e-Samdes program since 2021. Until now, 477 Village-Owned Enterprises have become e-Samdes agents, with a total of 13,596 transactions to date, with a value of more than IDR 19 billion," said Arinal ..

Head of the Lampung Province Village Community Empowerment and Transmigration Office, Zaidirina explained, the e-Samdes program is only in Lampung Province.

"This e-Samdes is only in Lampung and the people only need to come to the Village Owned Enterprise to pay taxes and don't need to go to the main Samsat to pick up their letters. So they are just waiting at home," he said.

According to him, if a Village-Owned Enterprise becomes an e-Samdes partner, there will be several advantages, one of which is getting a profit of IDR 5,000 per transaction provided by Bank Lampung.

"Most of these transactions were in Indra Mulya Village-Owned Enterprises in East Lampung. He recorded the most transactions, namely 1,260 units. And we continue to push for this so that other Village-Owned Enterprises can continue to increase the number of transactions," he explained. (*)

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