• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Term of Office of Eight Regents and Mayors in Lampung Indonesia Cut by Two Years, Impact of Implementation of Simultaneous Regional Head Elections in 2024

Senin, 30 Januari 2023 - 09.49 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The term of office for eight regents and mayors in Lampung Province, Indonesia, was cut by about two years, due to the simultaneous regional head elections in 2024. According to the schedule of the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia, simultaneous presidential and regional head elections will be held on November 27. 2024.

In Lampung Province, Indonesia, there are seven regional heads whose term of office should end on February 26, 2026, because they were sworn in on February 26, 2021. They are the Regent and Deputy Regent of Pesawaran Dendi Ramadhona and Marzuki, Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bandar Lampung Eva Dwiana and Deddy Amrullah, Regent and Deputy Regent of South Lampung Nanang Ermanto and Pandu Kusuma Dewangsa, Regent and Deputy Regent of Way Kanan Raden Adipati Surya and Ali Rahman, Metro Mayor and Deputy Mayor Wahdi Siradjuddin and Qomaru Zaman, East Lampung Deputy Regents Dawam Rahardjo and Azwar Hadi, and Central Lampung Regent and Deputy Regent Musa Ahmad and Ardito.

While the Regent and Deputy Regent of the West Coast, Agus Istiqlal and Zulqoni will end their term of office on April 26 2026, because they were sworn in on April 26 2021.

The reduction of the term of office for regional heads and deputy regional heads has received legitimacy from the panel of judges of the Constitutional Court in Case Number 18/PUU-XX/2022.

In the Constitutional Court decision it was written that the policy of formulating the election of governors, regents and mayors includes cutting or reducing the term of office of regional heads as stipulated in Article 201 of Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors or the regional coconut election law is transitional or temporary and occurs once (einmalig) for the holding of simultaneous national elections in 2024.

So that the next election ends the terms of office for the governor and deputy governor, regent and deputy regent, as well as mayor and deputy mayor at the same time as the election period for governor, regent and mayor, which is once every five years nationally.

The Constitutional Court decision also states that the form of compensation received by regional heads and deputy regional heads whose terms of office are reduced because they do not reach one period are given monetary compensation equal to the basic salary multiplied by the remaining months and receive pension rights for one period.

The chairman of the General Election Commission for Lampung Province, Erwan Bustami, when contacted, confirmed that there were eight regional heads whose terms of office were suspended because of the simultaneous local elections in 2024.

"Simultaneous regional head elections will be held on November 27, 2024. Regional heads whose term of office has not expired in November 2024 will be cut," said Erwan, Sunday (29/1).

Erwan explained, there were eight regional heads whose term of office was supposed to be until 2026, but was only cut until 2024.

"They are Nanang Hermanto, Musa Ahmad, Dawam Rahardjo, Dendi Ramadhona, Agus Istiqlal, Raden Adipati Surya, Eva Dwiana, and Wahdi Sirajuddin," he explained.

Erwan revealed that regional heads will still receive their basic salary multiplied by the remaining months. And this is the realm of the provincial government or the Ministry of Home Affairs. "We only have to do with the implementation of regional head elections," he added. (*)

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