• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

The Stunting Rate In Pringsewu Lampung Indonesia In 2022 Will Decrease To 16.2 Percent

Kamis, 26 Januari 2023 - 18.53 WIB

Head of the Public Health Division of the Pringsewu Health Office, Rahmadi when questioned. Thursday, January 26 2023. Photo: Yudha/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Pringsewu - Head of the Public Health Division of the Pringsewu Health Office, Rahmadi said, the stunting rate in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Indonesia, was 16.2 percent in 2022, this number decreased by 3 percent compared to the previous year 2021, which was 19.2 percent.

Rahmadi explained, his party is doing stunting prevention starting from pregnant women, breastfeeding, children, teenagers, or what can be called 8000 HPK. This is in accordance with Presidential Decree number 72 of 2021 concerning accelerating the reduction of stunting.

"In Pringsewu District, we have formed a stunting management team down to the Pekon or Village level, which is assisted by Pekon officials, the Village Midwife who is ready to provide stunting prevention services," said Rahmadi, when confirmed. Thursday, January 26, 2023.

Rahmadi claims that he already has an anti-stunting clinic, which can be used by residents of Pringsewu Regency, Lampung, Indonesia. If at the Pekon or Village level the stunting prevention efforts cannot be optimally handled, you can be referred to a hospital.

"Then there are some of our efforts at Posyandu, in kindergarten, early childhood education to prevent stunting. With the help of several existing regional apparatus organizations, because the handling of stunting cannot only be handled by the Health Service," he explained.

There are specific interventions as well as sensitive interventions. Many specific interventions are carried out by the Health Office, such as advertising on supplementary food, blood supplement tablets, and sensitive interventions carried out by other regional apparatus organizations.

"We urge members of the public, especially pregnant women, to carry out pregnancy health checks at least 6 times during pregnancy. Later we will also give blood-boosting tablets to our teenagers, as well as other efforts," he said.

Rahmadi said, in the future, his party will try to cooperate with outsiders, be it health observers or banks, who can provide assistance and can distribute it to the community.

Nova added, the stunting rate in Pringsewu has also increased and decreased since 2019.

"Based on Indonesian nutritional status survey data (research using the sample method) conducted by the Ministry of Health's Research and Development Agency or now called BKPK. In 2019 stunting was at 17 percent, in 2020 there will still be an Indonesian nutritional status survey but no measurements will be taken due to the pandemic. Then in in 2021 stunting will be 19 percent, and in 2022 it will be 16.2 percent," said Nova.

Nova added, the stunting data released by the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey is data that is recognized by the Ministry of Health. Although, data collection only uses samples.

"So the data are only percentages released by the Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey. This is because the research method only takes samples in an area, there is no number of people by name by address. And the sampling is only in February and August," he explained.

Meanwhile, based on the data listed in the Ministry of Health's application, data by name by address in 2020 the stunting rate in Pringsewu is 7.57 percent or 2145 toddlers. Then in 2021 it will be 6.54 percent or as many as 1845 toddlers, and in 2022 it will be 5.5 percent or 640 toddlers. (*)

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