• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Chinese New Year Holiday, Passengers at Radin Inten Airport in Bandar Lampung Indonesia Increased 15 Percent

Senin, 23 Januari 2023 - 21.20 WIB

Radin Inten II Airport, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. Photo: Special

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - A number of people using airplanes at Radin Inten II Airport have shown an increase during the 2023 Chinese New Year holiday.

Radin Inten II Airport Executive General Manager (EGM), Untung Basuki explained, if the increase in the number of passengers began to occur, Friday 20 January 2023 to Saturday 21 January 2023.

"Last Friday and Saturday there was an increase, but Sunday it decreased again. It is estimated that today and tomorrow there will be another increase for return flows. Last Friday and Saturday the increase was around 15 percent," said Basuki when questioned, Monday 23 January 2023 .

Basuki explained, on average during the first 22 days in 2023, Radin Inten II Airport was able to serve around 1,905 passenger movements.

"Passenger movements for Friday and Saturday were respectively 2,227 and 2,214 passenger movements and 16 aircraft movements. There are no airlines that increase flight hours, only to increase the level of aircraft occupancy," Basuki explained.

Confirmed separately, the Branch Manager of the Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar Toll Road, Hanung Hanindito explained, the traffic volume on the sections being managed has increased by 3.08 percent.

"The volume of traffic flow on the Bakter Section during the long weekend during Chinese New Year 2574 Kongzili, to be precise, from 20 January 2023 to 22 January 2023, there were 114,602 vehicles passing. This number is up 3.08 percent from normal conditions," said Hanung. (*)

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