The Governor of Lampung and the Chairman of the Board Join in Rejecting the Reduction of Seats in the Province

Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi when signing the rejection of reducing the seats in the Lampung DPRD from 85 to 75 seats. Photo: Muhaimin/, Bandar Lampung - Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi and Chairman of the Lampung Regional People's Legislative Council, Mingrum Gumay have come to the rejection of reducing the seats of the Lampung Regional People's Representative Council from 85 to 75 seats.
The signing, which was carried out with the signatures of all factions in the Lampung Regional People's Legislative Assembly, all factions believed that the number of seats for the council would not decrease, but would remain 85 seats.
The meeting was attended by 9 political parties that have seats in the Lampung Regional People's Legislative Assembly, including Apriliati from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, from the Golkar faction, Supriyadi Hamzah as the head of the faction, Ismet Roni and Ali Imron.
Furthermore, Joko Santoso and Abdullah Surajaya from the National Mandate Party, Garinca Reza Pahlevi from the National Democracy, Norisiman Subing from the National Awakening Party, Ringgo Oktabara from the Social Justice Party and Fachruroozi from Gerindra.
The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle faction as well as a member of Commission five at the Regional People's Legislative Assembly of Lampung Province, Apriliati said, referring to the results of the first two semesters of the Special Allocation Fund which totaled 8,901,566 people, she was sure that in the second semester there would be an increase in the population.
"We are optimistic that the population in Lampung is over 9 million people," said Apriliati, when met at the Sheraton Hotel, Thursday, January 19, 2023.
He explained, his party had made an official letter related to the rejection of the reduction in seat allocation and it would be given to Commission two of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, and maybe a copy would be made to the General Elections Commission of the Republic of Indonesia, the Governor of Lampung Province, the Regional People's Representative Council of Lampung Province.
He hopes that later the General Election Commission of Lampung Province will use the two newest Special Allocation Funds, so that he can see the number of residents who is likely to increase.
"Because it is illogical if we refer to Law 7 of 2017, in 2019 with 85 seats, when in the 2024 election it actually dropped," he said.
Regarding the move of Metro City from Dapil Lampung 3 to Lampung 8, he gave a response that this is an inseparable unit for certain parties.
"All political parties or representatives of political parties have stated that they are still defending their elective regions and seats, we are not discussing this anymore," he explained.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the Golongan Karya faction, Supriyadi Hamzah, said that what determines is Law number 7 of 2017 and its attachments, which explains that the chosen regions of the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia and the Regional People's Representative Council of Lampung Province are in accordance with the 2019 elections and the number of seats is 85.
"Indeed there is a reference problem in Lampung, that the population is 7-9 million. This is input and the input will also be re-tested, so that it can carry out according to existing laws and facts," he said.
According to him, if the results of the census are carried out correctly, those who already have an electronic identity card will be counted.
"Those who have an electronic identity card who are 17 years of age and over, means that some are not enrolled. Meanwhile, when it comes to residents who want to be born, they have also said residents," he explained.
He hopes that later the results of the Special Allocation Fund for the second semester of the General Election Commission will be in accordance with the wishes of the political parties in Lampung Province at this time. (*)
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