• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

1.284 Land Certificates for Bandar Lampung Indonesia Residents Never Finished by the National Land Agency

Kamis, 19 Januari 2023 - 09.13 WIB

Dozens of residents from Community Group Communication Forum (Pokmas) held a demonstration at the Tugu Gajah, Bandar Lampung demanding the issuance of 1,284 certificates of ownership rights. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - A total of 1,284 certificates of ownership (SHM) rights through the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) in 32 urban villages throughout Bandar Lampung Indonesia which were made from 2017-2020, have not been issued by the National Land Agency (BPN) Bandar Lampung until now.

Dozens of residents on behalf of the PTSL Bandar Lampung Community Group Communication Forum (Pokmas) held a demonstration at the Tugu Gajah, Bandar Lampung demanding the issuance of 1,284 certificates of ownership rights that had been made since 2017-2020 at BPN Bandar Lampung.

Until now, it is not clear when the thousand SHM will be issued. PTSL Pokmas members have repeatedly asked this question to the Bandar Lampung BPN office, but there is no certainty.

Member of the Bandar Lampung PTSL Pokmas Communication Forum, Kodirman said, from 2017 to 2020 there were still 1,284 SHM made through the PTSL program which had not been issued by BPN Bandar Lampung until now.

"Of the 32 urban villages that have coordinated with us, currently there are around 1,284 applicant certificates that have not been received. Even though all the requirements and procedures have been carried out," said Kodirman during a speech, Wednesday (18/1/23).

Kodirman emphasized that persuasive and family-friendly steps had been taken, including visiting the Bandar Lampung BPN office. However, until now there is no clarity.

"On January 24, 2022, we met with the head of BPN Bandar Lampung to complete the certificate for the PTSL program. In that meeting the head of BPN promised to complete it in 2022," he said.

After 3 months of the meeting, there is still no sign of completion. Then, his party returned to the Bandar Lampung BPN office again on May 19, 2022.

"However, the meeting also yielded no results. And since then it has been difficult to find the head of the Bandar Lampung BPN," he said.

Then, his party sent a letter to the Regional People's Legislative Council (DPRD) for a hearing. On September 27 2022, his party held a joint hearing with Commission 1 and BPN. "During that meeting, we were promised that the PTSL certificate would be issued at the end of December 2022. But so far it has not been issued," he explained.

He hopes that the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency will immediately form a team to accelerate the completion of PTSL in Bandar Lampung, and look for the causes of the problems that have occurred so that 1,284 SHM have not been issued.

"We ask that the 2017-2020 PTSL program of arrears of land certificates that have not been received by the applicant be issued as soon as possible," said Kodirman.

Chairman of the Bandar Lampung PTSL Pokmas Communication Forum, Ediyanto emphasized, if these demands were not followed up, his party would carry out a demonstration with a larger number of people. "In the next one to two weeks we will carry out another demonstration with more mass if there is no resolution," said Edianto.

From the Tugu Gajah, the masses continued their action by visiting the Lampung branch of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) to voice their aspirations. Five mass representatives were received by the Chairman of PWI Lampung, Wira Hadikusuma, and held discussions in his room.

"We decided to ask for moral support in the form of news from PWI Lampung. So that President Jokowi can hear this matter," said Ediyanto.

Not long ago, the Head of the BPN Regional Office (Kanwil) for Lampung Province, Dadat Dariatna arrived at the Lampung PWI office. In front of the mass representatives, Dadat Dariatna said he was ready to facilitate a meeting between the Bandar Lampung PTSL Pokmas and the Bandar Lampung BPN.

"Please go to the office tomorrow to invite Pokmas PTSL representatives to hear where the problem is. Later I will invite the head of BPN Bandar Lampung," said Dadat.

The Regional Secretary of Bandar Lampung, Sukarma Wijaya, when contacted, said that he would immediately facilitate a meeting between the community and BPN Bandar Lampung.

"We are trying to facilitate BPN. We will find out from BPN what the problem is regarding this PTSL," said Sukarma. Sukarma acknowledged that until now there are still many SHM made through the PTSL program that have not been issued by BPN.

"But the caution of the BPN also needs to be respected, maybe there are things that are not suitable or there are parties who claim the land. Even if there is a problem, of course it should be conveyed. The municipal government will involve the parties down to the sub-district level. Because the one who knows best about rights the beginning was from the village, to jointly find a solution," he explained.

Chairman of the Bandar Lampung Regional People's Legislative Council, Wiyadi urged BPN Bandar Lampung to immediately issue the pending SHM. Wiyadi said he would coordinate with Commission I to follow up on the matter.

"If there is still no clarity from BPN Bandar Lampung, DPRD will inquire directly to the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency," said Wiyadi.

He hopes that the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency can field a special team to BPN Bandar Lampung to find problems that occur in the field as well as find solutions. (*)

This news has been published in the Kupas Tuntas Daily Newspaper edition of Thursday 19 January 2023 with the title "1,284 Certificates of Ownership Citizens of Bandar Lampung Never Finished"