Lampung Indonesia Government Just Tendered for 25 Consultancy Service Packages

Lampung Indonesia Government Just Tendered for 25 Consultancy Service Packages. Photo : Illustration, Bandar Lampung - The Bureau of Procurement of Goods and Services for the Regional Secretariat of Lampung Province noted that up to now there have been 25 packages that have been tendered using the 2023 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget.
Head of the Bureau of Procurement of Goods and Services for the Regional Secretariat of Lampung Province, Slamet Riyadi said, the 25 packages being tendered came from the Highways and Construction Services Office of Lampung Province.
"There are 25 packages of early tender consultants with a total ceiling of IDR 13,325,000,000. So for now there are only those who have started the tender process in Electronic Procurement Services," he said when asked for information, Wednesday 18 January 2023.
Slamet explained, he had issued a letter of appeal to Regional Apparatus Organizations to immediately carry out the tender process.
"We have written to OPD to immediately accelerate the tender process. In fact, we have circulated the letter of appeal since the end of 2022 because the submission process has already started at the end of the year," he said.
According to Slamet, the process is being carried out to accelerate tenders to avoid buildup at the end of the fiscal year and to avoid tenders being declared a failure.
"Like last year, there were two packages that failed to be tendered due to natural factors and the timing of the work. In order to anticipate this from happening again, the tender must be carried out immediately," he explained.
Chairman of Commission III of the Regional People's Representative Council of Lampung Province, Ikhwan Fadil Ibrahim, also asked employees to immediately speed up the tender process, especially work programs aimed at the public interest.
"The Regional Expenditure Budget for 2023 has been ratified, then the Regional Expenditure Budget Acceptance List from the central government has also been given. So there is no reason to make the tender process longer," he explained.
According to him, it was feared that the long tender process would result in a buildup at the end of the fiscal year and the planned work program could not run.
"Because not all tender packages get winners and can be worked on right away. Some sometimes fail. This must be anticipated because if it fails, you have to re-tender, besides that the process is also quite long," he said.
He also explained that if the faster the tender is carried out, it will make the absorption of the Regional Expenditure Budget more quickly realized in order to support regional economic growth.
"Especially those whose work programs are directly related to the community. The quicker the tenders are carried out and executed, the APBD will be absorbed quickly and the regional economy can increase," he said. (*)
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