• Kamis, 03 Oktober 2024

Young Woman in Metro Indonesia Arrested for Carrying Drugs, Dealers Become Police Fugitives

Selasa, 17 Januari 2023 - 12.01 WIB

Young Woman who Carrying Drugs while being held at police headquarters. Photo: Arby/Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Metro - The Lampung Metro Police Narcotics Research Unit has arrested one of three suspects in a network of drug users and dealers in the Metro Indonesia area and Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency.

Metro Police Chief AKBP Heri Sulistyo Nugroho through the Narcotics Head IPTU AE Siregar revealed that the arrests were made on Monday (16/1/2023) around 20.00 WIB.

"We have only secured one, namely a young woman with the initials LA, aged 22. We have secured the suspect on the side of the road, Major General Ryacudu, Metro Village, Central Metro District," he told Kupastuntas.co, Tuesday (17/1/2023).

During the arrest, the police found evidence of a package of crystal methamphetamine which he kept in a pack of Sampurna Mild cigarettes.

"During the search, the drug was found in a pack of cigarettes held by the suspect. The drug stored by the suspect weighed 0.25 grams," he said.

On that occasion, head of drug affairs Metro Police, IPTU Gunarto also explained, the suspect with the full name Lusi Anggreini is a resident of Perum Waway Block B1 RT 001 RW 008 Sukajaya Lempasing Village, Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran Regency.

From the results of the investigation, LA admitted that the drugs he was carrying would be consumed with a male friend named Ilman who is now a fugitive from the police.

"The plan is that LA will consume it with a colleague with the initials IL, who is currently in the wanted list of Metro police," said IPTU Gunarto.

The woman also admitted to the police that she bought methamphetamine from a dealer in the Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency, who is familiarly called Cik Ambian.

"The suspect and his partner with the initials IL bought methamphetamine from Ms. Ambian last Monday at 18.30 WIB," he added.

During his interrogation, LA also admitted buying a packet of drugs by way of a joint venture. They buy it for IDR 200,000 per package.

"For IDR 200,000, IL made a joint venture of IDR 150,000 which was transferred to IL's DANA application via the LA suspect's cellphone. They have bought the drugs there twice, and the first time in December 2022 and January 2023," he said.

Now the LA suspect and his evidence are being held at the Metro Police Headquarters. He was threatened with article Article 112 paragraph (1) RI Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum prison sentence of 12 years and a minimum fine of IDR 800 million.

Meanwhile, a colleague named Ilman who is a user and a dealer named Cik Ambian have entered the wanted list Metro Police. (*)