• Rabu, 12 Maret 2025

Depraved! Unscrupulous school principals on the West Coast of Lampung Indonesia Have Intercourse With an Underage Child

Selasa, 17 Januari 2023 - 13.23 WIB

The school principal with the initials M when secured at the West Lampung Police, Indonesia. Photo: Ist.

Kupastuntas.co, Pesisir Barat - A school principal from Pekon or Way Batang Village, Lemong District, with the initials M, aged 57, was arrested by the Women and Children Service Unit of the West Lampung Police Criminal Investigation Unit because he had the heart to have intercourse with a child who at that time was underage named Bunga, 18 years old, who was a resident Pekon Way Batang, District Lemong.

West Lampung Police Chief AKBP Heri Sugeng Priyantho through the Head of the West Lampung Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP M Ari Satriawan said that the arrest of the alleged perpetrators began with reports from the victim's family who said the victim had been harassed by the school principal.

Ari said, according to information from the victim's family, the incident occurred in 2017, when Bunga was still in 6th grade. The victim at that time did not dare to report the events that were experienced so that no one in the family knew that Bunga had experienced this unfortunate event that caused her prolonged trauma.

It was revealed that the incident began when the victim's family found a summons from the parents of SMA N 1 Krui where the victim currently attends school on Tuesday 8 November 2022, Ari said the summons stated that the school would issue interest from school because he had not attended school for a long time .

"Then the victim's uncle asked the victim the reason why the victim never went to school, then the victim told him that he was afraid to go to school because he was traumatized by being abused by an unscrupulous school principal when he was in elementary school several years ago," said Ari, Tuesday 17 January 2023.

Based on the story from his nephew, the victim's uncle finally made a report to the Pesisir Utara Police with a police report: LP/115/XI/2022/Polda LPG/Res Lambar/Sek Pesut, last November 10, 2022, based on the report from the uncle and the victim's statement, his side immediately carried out a investigation.

From the series of investigations carried out, his party knew that the principal with the initials M (57) had done this. And on Monday 16 January 2023, it was discovered that the perpetrator was at his residence and was immediately arrested.

"There was no resistance from the alleged perpetrator when he was detained and currently the suspected perpetrator has been secured to the West Lampung Police for further investigation, and the perpetrator is threatened with Article 81 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 76D or Article 82 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 76E of Law Republic of Indonesia number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection," concluded Ari (*)

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