• Rabu, 12 Maret 2025

Buyers of Subsidized Homes in Lampung Indonesia Are Constrained by BI Checking, Consumers Prefer a Take Over System

Selasa, 17 Januari 2023 - 08.41 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - People are often constrained by administrative requirements, one of which is BI Checking, when applying for subsidized housing loans. As a result, many buyers choose the take over system.

BI Checking is Historical Individual Debtor Information which records the smooth or bad credit payments. BI Checking provides information on a customer's credit history that is exchanged between banks and financial institutions.

"The filing for subsidized housing is a bit complicated, and there are often problems with BI checking. In the end, many consumers choose to buy subsidized housing using the take over system," said All Property Lampung Marketing Team, Putri Andini, Monday (16/1/23).

Putri said the demand for subsidized housing in Lampung was showing an increasing trend. Most consumers look for homes that are not far from the center of the crowd and public facilities.

"Housing that many are looking for is easy access. Like easy access by public transportation, public facilities are also important, such as being close to hospitals, schools and shopping centers," he said.

He revealed that subsidized housing located near public facilities and in city centers such as in Bandar Lampung has quite expensive prices. In addition, the down payment (DP) that must be paid is quite high, reaching IDR 30 million to IDR 50 million.

"Subsidized houses in the Bandar Lampung area have now entered suburban areas such as in Kemiling. The price is already expensive. If the DP can be Rp30 million-Rp50 million per unit," he said.

Chairman of DPD Real Estate Indonesia (REI) Lampung, Djoko Santoso said, nationally subsidized housing growth is around 2 percent every year. Meanwhile for Lampung Province it reached 900 thousand units per year.

"Based on the backlog from the Housing and Settlement Area Office of Lampung Province, construction of subsidized housing in Lampung is almost 900 thousand per year," said Djoko, Monday (16/1/23).

However, the realization of subsidized housing sales has not been maximized. In 2021, around 1,700 units of subsidized houses in Lampung will be sold. And in 2022 a total of around 3,000 subsidized houses will be sold.

Djoko revealed that all regencies/cities in Lampung have a share of the subsidized housing market. However, the area that is most in demand is the capital city of Lampung Province, namely Bandar Lampung.

"The area that has the largest market share for subsidized housing is Bandar Lampung. Followed by supporting areas such as Pesawaran, South Lampung, Metro, Central Lampung and Pringsewu," he said.

Djoko explained that in the last three years, the price of subsidized housing in Lampung Province has not increased. Currently, the highest price for subsidized housing is IDR 150,000,000 per unit, including land and buildings.

"Our hope is that this price can be adjusted considering that there have been several increases in basic commodities, especially those related to building materials. For example, iron in 2022 alone will be adjusted several times. The hope is that subsidized housing prices can be adjusted," he said.

He admitted that he had proposed an increase in subsidized house prices by 15 percent or Rp. 15 million per unit to the government.

"Actually, this is not enough to cover rising prices. But we consider that if house prices rise too high, consumers will object," he added.

In addition, his party proposes that the government-borne Value Added Tax (PPNDP) increase can be applied up to a house selling figure limit of IDR 300 million.

"This can open up more space for consumers to be able to own a house. So the price is up to Rp. 300 million, our proposal can be given PPNDP so that consumers have many choices of house prices for financing," he explained.

According to him, the demand for subsidized housing in Lampung Province has never decreased. Only during the Covid-19 pandemic did the community's ability to own a house experience a slight decline. (*)

This news has been published in the Daily Kupas Tuntas Newspaper edition of Tuesday 17 January 2023, with the title "Buyers of Subsidized Houses Constrained by BI Checking"