Low Supervision and Religious Guidance Triggers Children Involved in Motorcycle Gangs and Fighting in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

The head of the Bandar Lampung Police, Kombes Pol Ino Harianto
Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Low parental supervision and religious guidance are one of the triggers for children to become involved in motorcycle gangs and brawls in Bandar Lampung.
The head of the Bandar Lampung Police, Kombes Pol Ino Harianto, said that there were several factors that caused children to become involved in motorcycle gangs and fights.
"Among these children, they want to find their own identity so that they say that their school is great, their group is superior to other groups. Apart from that, there is a lack of parental supervision and lack of religious guidance," said Ino.
In order to anticipate the rise of motorcycle gangs and brawls, Ino explained, his party had made various prevention efforts by coordinating with every school in Bandar Lampung.
"Previously, we coordinated from a long time ago to schools, and even every week we became masters of ceremonies at schools," he said.
Apart from that, his party has also communicated with schools so that students who are involved in brawls and motorbike gangs carrying weapons will be given strict sanctions.
"Surely strict sanctions must also be given by the school to their students if the students are involved in fights and carry sharp weapons. If we are strict at the police, if we meet the elements of crime we will process them," he explained.
Therefore, he hopes that all parties can equally contribute to overcoming the phenomenon of motorcycle gangs and brawls.
"Because this child can be a victim as well as a perpetrator. Therefore, the role of all elements is very important. The whole community, be it the lurah, RT and RW to jointly supervise and protect residents in their respective areas," he added.
"If indeed there is an indication of a get-together or a brawl, it should be immediately reported to the police," concluded Ino.
Chairman of Lampung Police Watch M.D Rizani said, there were several factors that caused children to get involved in motorcycle gangs and fights including the lack of family supervision, social factors and children's mental psychological factors.
In order to anticipate the phenomenon of motorcycle gangs and brawls, he hopes that the police must increase their night patrols until the early hours of the morning. Because the motorcycle gang was in action between 12.00 and 05.00 WIB.
"The police must take firm action against motorcycle gang members, especially those carrying sharp weapons, so that there is a deterrent effect. Criminal punishment can be a form of solution when teenagers commit acts that violate the law," said Rizani.
Then, for the parents should pay more attention, especially the association of their children.
"Keep an eye on their children, especially if they don't give permission to go out at night. It's better for us to prevent something than something has already happened," he said.
In addition, according to him, teachers must also be able to have an approach in order to minimize the occurrence of brawls and involvement in motorcycle gangs.
"This is done by improving guidance and counseling services," concluded Rizani. (*)
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